Udderly Strange!

At first I was going to write this big long
text about the milk box, but instead I am just going to throw it out there and you can look it up if you’re interested.

I love milk, and prefer it to soda. There is a pleasure when I go to the refrigerator and pull out the gallon jug and fill up a glass full of that cold white stuff. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to mess with that process. So, imagine my surprise when I saw my friend pouring me a glass of milk straight from a cardboard box that was in the cupboard. I have to admit, there was a lot of stuff going through my mind when I was drinking it. I could not stop thinking about the bacteria and how warm it was. I wanted to spit it right back up when I first tasted it. It had nothing to do with the taste, it had everything to do with my head.

UHT milk is the milk you will find in Brazil. You can find pasteurized milk, but it isn’t as common and it is sold in plastic bags, not in plastic jugs. UHT milk is processed with a higher heat to kill all the spores in the milk. It has almost the same nutritional value as Pasteurized milk(it took me a year to take the time to look that up on the internet). Once I did a little research I was able to relax a bit more and enjoy my milk once again. I just put the box in the fridge the night before I want to drink it.

If you do some research on UHT you will see that the shelf life is up to 6 months, it is being used to ship to starving families in third world countries, it does not use refrigeration so it helps with the environment . So, I bet you can come up with a lot of reasons to switch to UHT.

Taste: Well, I think it tastes a bit sweeter than what I am used to. I think the sweetness comes from the fact that some of the sugars in the milk get caramelized during the heating process.

So, if you are ever in Brazil, don’t go to the refrigeration section to look for milk.

1 comment:

slightly insane mother of 5 said...

It is too bad they do not have something like that out here. Good for food storage. Well they do have canned condenced which is whole milk and sugar and then evaporated milk which is milk and a few other things, but they all say refrigerate after opening. Makes me wonder what they taste like. The condenced milk would be way to sweet, but I have heard people who feed their babies evaporated milk. Maybe I should try it, it might be somthing to stalk up on for food storage