I'm Easter kinda slow.

I am really slow... I have been in Brazil long enough now that my daily pace and rhythm has slowed down to match that of a Brazilian. So, you can't really blame me for being late with this post can you?

I wanted to post this before Easter, but I think I am lucky that I am getting it posted before the end of April.

Brazilians don't wake up to a basket of chocolate and jelly beans on Easter. The traditional gift for Easter is a large chocolate egg that is filled with more chocolate treats. It is common for you to give one to each member of your family. So, if you have a large family and lots of friends, you might end up with kilos of chocolate for Easter. The eggs can be purchased in a smaller size but the smaller sizes are usually give to children. To give you an idea, some of the largest ones you will see are the size of an American football. The average size is smaller than a football, but still very large if you compare it to the easter bunnies we are used to getting in the USA.

Funny thing happens though each year, the house ends up filled with these eggs, one of the perks of being a teacher. We usually choose one egg we want to keep and we re-gift the others. This may sound cheap and like cheating, but when each egg cost around 30 bucks, it is a great way to not go broke at Easter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know...we promised ourselves we wouldn't eat or buy any chocolate eggs this year and we ended up getting them as gifts from the children :) I ate enough chocolate to last me til Easter 2020!