Thinking on... Italy

I love to travel and next year I have my eyes and heart set on seeing Italy. If I am able to get money saved up I might include a short side trip to another country. I love history and when I travel, that is what entertains me the most, I am for sure a museum and historical trail type of girl.

I have come across a few guides but have not settled on one particular one yet. I think I will wait a bit and buy next years updated guides. The guides in English here are a lot more expensive than the ones in Portuguese. I am looking at close to a hundred bucks for a guide with maps. It will be worth it though, I am sure.

I did come across a site called, I am not sure how good they are, but I know someone who has used them before. offers hotels at a discount. I wonder if there is another site that gives better discounts. Someone told me to wait and when I arrive, go to the local travel agency and they can book me a hotel for a fraction of the price. I am a spontaneous person and as disorganized as I am, I couldn't force myself to leave my home without knowing where I am going to sleep. This bum hip of mine can't be laid down just any old place. What if I got there and nothing was available? No, I can't do it. So, I will keep an eye out for something reasonable.

As always, if anyone has any suggestions or if you have traveled to Italy, and have advice or tips... let me know.

1 comment:

Cindy-Rae said...

Oh yeah, I would love to go to Italy too!